Austin Bar Legislative Update: A membership benefit of the Austin Bar Association 19-Mar-2013
The bill filing deadline has come and gone, and we are over half way to the close of this year’s regular legislative session. But in some respects, things are just getting started. Some bills were filed only recently, others were assigned to committees, and others are being set… continue reading...
Austin Bar Legislative Update: Bill Would Limit Defamation Suits
Suit Served by Social Media: Bill Would Allow Suits to be Served on Defendants via Social Media: HB 1989, filed by Re Jeff Leach, R-Plano, would all allow service of lawsuit citations by social media if other traditional means of service cannot be effectuated. The text of the bill… continue reading...
Austin Bar Legislative Update: Bill Would Limit Defamation Suits
Bill Would Limit Jury Trials and Remedies in Defamation Cases: HB 1759, filed by Rep. Todd Hunter, R-Corpus Christi, would require persons who claim to have been defamed to request retraction, correction or clarification within one year of when the statement was made, or be barred from bringing suit… continue reading...
Austin Bar Legislative Update: A Made-Whole Compromise
Bill Would Change Subrogation Rights of Health Insurers in Personal Injury Cases– A Legislative Compromise Between the Fortis Benefits Case and the Made-Whole Doctrine: HB 1869 filed by Rep Price would conditionally limit the subrogation rights of a health insurer in a recovery by an injured against a… continue reading...