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Chamberlain McHaney, PLLC

Texas Lawyers, Austin & San Antonio

Archive: 2009


Last week, a Southwest Airlines plane suddenly developed a mysterious football size hole in the passenger cabin which caused the pilot to make an emergency landing. The next day Southwest announced there was no extra fee for the fresh air. ♦ ♦ ♦ CHAMBERLAIN McHANEY SCORES SUMMARY JUDGMENT FOR WINDOW… continue reading...

Special Texas Legislative Update

DEAD FOR SESSION: Paid or Incurred; Entergy; Meso/Asbestos; West/Gattis-Arbitration Reform; Duncan/Eiland-Anti-Indemnity;Wentworth-Jury Trial Procedures; Duncan–Court’s Bill. Look for interim studies on some or all of these issues (particularly, paid or incurred, Meso, and a Workers Comp comprehensive review in light of Entergy, but probably not Court Re-org). TRCC has been… continue reading...

We weren’t really worried about the economy until it was revealed last week that Silly Putty is 23% less silly than it was a year ago.

CHAMBERLAIN♦MCHANEY SCORES ANOTHER VICTORY IN A PRODUCTS LIABILITY DEATH CASE: The plaintiff’s daughter suffered fatal injuries when the car she was driving was struck by a pick-up truck equipped with an after market front bumper replacement, commonly known as a “brush guard.” Plaintiff brought a products liability suit against our… continue reading...