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Chamberlain McHaney, PLLC

Texas Lawyers, Austin & San Antonio

Special Edition: TEXAS UPDATE

A COUPLE OF HOURS AGO, a Travis County grand jury indicted three top lieutenants of U.S. House Majority Leader and Texas Congressman Tom DeLay in connection with corporate money raised during the 2002 elections. indicted on one count of money laundering were John Colyandro, the executive director of Texans for a Republican Majority Political Action Committee, and Jim Ellis, a former DeLay staff member now head of Americans for a Republican Majority, DeLay’s national fund-raising political action committee.

DeLay has been a spearhead for tort reform and legislative redestricting in Texas and throughout the country.

Be sure to sign up for our full day, fully accredited ninth annual Ultimate Claims Handling Seminar in Dallas on October 8th. Seats are filling up fast. Get your registration form at,