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Chamberlain McHaney, PLLC

Texas Lawyers, Austin & San Antonio

Texas Plaintiffs and Defense Lawyers Unite to Propose New Rules Governing Expedited Jury Trials and Dismissal Practice

TEX-ABOTA, TTLA and TADC have joined forces to propose new rules of civil procedure to the Supreme Court of Texas governing expedited jury trials and early dismissal practice.  Recently passed HB 274 requires the Texas Supreme Court to promulgate rules governing these two new areas of civil practice.

Recognizing an opportunity, the three associations decided it was best to take the initiative and pro-actively propose an agreed set of rules that are fair to both plaintiffs and defendants and serve the best interests of the Texas civil justice system.  The groups met extensively over the summer and spent many hours on the project.

The Supreme Court thanked the three associations for their input.  The court and its advisory committee are expected to undertake a review of the proposals, but have made no announcement as to when the rules will be promulgated.

TEX-ABOTA (the Texas Chapters of the American Board of Trial Advocates) is an invitation-only association of plaintiffs and defense attorneys who are dedicated to the preservation of the right to trial by jury and the improvement of the Texas civil justice system.

TADC (Texas Association of Defense Counsel) is an association whose members practice mostly on the side of the defense in civil litigation, including, but not limited to, intellectual property, construction litigation, commercial litigation, labor and employment, product liability and personal injury litigation. TADC is dedicated to ensuring a balanced and effective civil justice system.

TTLA (Texas Trial Lawyers Association) is an association comprised of Texas plaintiffs attorneys, united in maintaining a civil justice system that protects all Texans and makes Texas a safer and healthier place to live.

To view the proposed rules and the groups’ two letters of explanation to the Supreme Court of Texas, click on:

We will cover this and other important developments at our full day, full accredited 16th Annual Ultimate Claims Handling Seminar  on October 7, 2011 at CityPlace Conference Center in Dallas, Texas.  Registration is now open!  Go to and sign up now.  Do it early.  We always sell out.