We invited Dick Cheney down for a round of golf. We shot an 83. He shot a lawyer.
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REGISTER NOW! Go to our web site at www.chmc-law and register now for our action packed, fully accredited, full day, 12th ANNUAL ULTIMATE CLAIMS HANDLING SEMINAR. The seminar will be held in Dallas, Texas on Friday, October 5, 2007. This year we tackle over a dozen timely topics including:
Texas Standard Auto Policy: 2007 Texas Automobile Insurance Update.
Deciphering Medical Records and Billing: ETOH, Past history, Paid or Incurred, and other unique medical confusion.
Construction Law Update: Coverage for defective construction and other mysteries solved.
2007 Legislative Update: The impact of the 80th session on the tort, insurance and civil justice system.
Slip, Trip, Fall, Ouch!: An update on premises liability.
Products Liability: Update on this year’s best products liability cases.
Texas Supreme Court Update: The big cases from the Supremes in 2007.
Consumer Protection: Good faith, bad faith, Texas Insurance Code, the duties and standards of adjusters.
2007 Update: Pointing Fingers, Shifting Blame and Taking Credit: Third-Party Liability, Contribution, Indemnity and Settlement Credits (Man, do I have a headache).
2007 Governmental Liability Update: The king can do wrong, but does he have to pay?
Dram Shop Liability: The legal aspects of “mas cerveza por favor!”
TRICKA!: The Inner-workings of the Texas Residential Construction Commission and its affect on construction claims and suits.
Paid or Incurred; Subrogation Liens: including a discussion of the “made whole” doctrine, the Texas Supreme Court’s recent decision in Fortis Benefits v. Cantu, ERISA, Medicare, Medicaid, workers comp, hospital liens and a whole bunch of other liens you never heard of, but can ruin your life.
Panel Discussion: The year in review, and oh what a year it was!
View the complete seminar program by going to www.chmc-law.com. The modest seminar registration fee includes Continental Breakfast, Lunch, Breaks/Snacks, Cocktail Reception, Extensive Course Materials and 8.25 hours of Continuing Education Credit approved by the Texas Department of Insurance and The State Bar of Texas. So sign up now before it’s too late by going to www.chmc-law.com. Print a Registration Form and mail it in with the registration fee and you are ready to go. Or you may pay on-line by credit card or PayPal account by clicking the link. Still undecided? Here is a sampling of our student’s comments from last year:
“Very good course. Very well organized.”
“I look forward to next year – will be in attendance & will encourage others to attend.”
“This course was by far one of the best I have ever attended.”
“These seminars are always on useful topics & presented in such a way that it is easy to understand & relate”
“Outstanding seminar!”
“Oh well, at least the parking was free”
Chamberlain♦McHaney is an A-V (Highest Peer Review) Rated Firm and is listed in AM Best’s Directory of Recommended Lawyers.