Texas Update was shocked to learn that it did not receive a major bowl invitation. At the last possible moment, we were edged out by the National Enquirer as a result some suspicious voting activity in the Coaches Poll. TEXAS COURT HOLDS PUNITIVE DAMAGES ARE INSURABLE: AN INTERMEDIATE… continue reading...
EXCUSE the delay, but approximately 45 seconds before we completed this week’s edition of Texas Update, a fight broke out in our editorial staff room complete with flying beer cups, popcorn, ice and chairs. Suspensions are pending. OSHA REGULATIONS HELD ADMISSIBLE IN PRODUCT LIABILITY CASE: LAST WEEK, the Dallas… continue reading...
This week we issue warnings to folks who rent cars, folks who deny coverage to insureds, folks who incur punitive damages and folks who toilet paper other folks homes. We also have a plan to bring us all together. It may sound like a lot, but it’s all in a… continue reading...
The Catwoman resurfaces, the Supremes score a new judge, insurance premiums remain up, Homebuilders score an interesting if not controversial victory and the Texas Longhorns score 49 unanswered points in a win on Saturday night. With all this news, Texas Update is truly blessed. TEXAS SUPREME COURT GETS… continue reading...